Thursday 27 March 2008


Today I have an English listening class
in the class, my friend, Isa, told me if I want to go Taipei with her this Saturday
there's a presentation about university in UK

Actually, go to London is one of my dream. I don't know why I really interested to go there
maybe coz I can see Prince William there (^^) huahahaha....

In the other hand, there is another activity (overseas student's activity) this Saturday
we wanna go to 東海大學 to refreshing. 聽說在東海大學有美麗的風景...
I'm between two alternatives
but finally, I choose to go to Taipei with Isa. Why?
1. Since I entered my university in Taizhong, I've never go to Taipei
2. I wanna accompany her hear the presentation (coz she wanna transfer school for next year)
3. There will be another time refreshing, but not for this presentation. Isa said there will be the same presentation in Taizhong but it will be separated in two days April 1st and 3rd. And for this 春假(April 2nd-5th) I will go to Taoyuan!!!

di sana nti bisa wawancara n daftar tu univesitas. hmm, aku seeh mao coba daftar. sapa tau keterima, y ga?? hahaha
tapi aku sekarang seeh ga ada pikiran mao transfer sekolah, hmm, cuma coba2 doank, memenuhi hasrat hati ^^
nti ada hasil, baru pikir lagi, hahaha


Anonymous said...

kamu dah jadi ke taipei ya??!!
ke mana aja??!
wah dah ga sabaran neh..uda pergi duluan..

D-vid Alexandre said...

Aku juga pengen Vi... Hahaha. Ajak dong. =p